The program ttylog was originally released for Debian by Tibor Koleszar in 1999 and is now maintained by Robert James Clay, who adopted the Debian package in July of 2008 with Debian package version v0.1.c-1 and who has also been maintaining the program itself since then.
Version | Date | Remarks |
v0.26 | 2015-6-03 | Correct truncating of modem_device string, |
v0.25 | 2013-2-14 | Corrections to the code adding a NULL to modem_device variable |
v0.24 | 2013-2-14 | Ensure that the modem_device variable is NULL terminated before being used. |
v0.23 | 2013-2-14 | Correct how CMAKE_C_FLAGS is getting set in CMakeLists.txt. |
v0.22 | 2013-2-13 | Change the ttylog build system to use CMake. |
v0.21 | 2013-1-29 | Updates to variables usage in Makefile. |
v0.20.0 | 2013-1-29 | Set this version as v0.20.0, derived by mapping the old versions to new minor versions starting from 0.1.0 and counting bug fixes as separate minor versions. (Reference ttylog bug # 5) |
v0.1.f | 2013-1-25 | Fixed device name length issue. (ttylog bug # 3)(Debian bug # 553945) |
v0.1.e | 2012 | Add missing '-f' option information to ttylog man page. |
v0.1.d | 2011 | Debian version 0.1.d-1, 0.1.d-2 |
v0.1.c | 2008 | Debian package adopted by Robert James Clay |
v0.1.b | 2002,2006 | Debian versions 0.1.b-1, 0.1.b-2, 0.1.b-3, 0.1.b-4 |
v0.1.a | 1999-2001 | Debian versions 0.1.a-1, 0.1.a-2, 0.1.a-3 |